Tar & Gravel Roof Cleaning & Maintenance
Moss Removed in the Gentlest Way
If at all possible, our work will be done without walking on the roof, ensuring its continuing strength and integrity. Walking on and scraping these roofs can create problems. So with Torch On roofs, our treatment work is done in two important phases, quickly and safely each time. We do the main treatment, and then in 3 months, return and treat a second time. This will absolutely ensure excellent long term Warranted results. We break the price up into two equal parts.
The Roofing Institute of British Columbia, who trains and places workers into apprenticeship programs, the voice of educated roofing in British Columbia, recommends all “flat” roofs be inspected twice a year for problems like the above, and repairs be done immediately. They recommend that proactive maintenance be carried out on a regular basis as well.
Inspections of flat roofs reveal issues such as weakening seams, bubbling and premature decomposition of the bitumen in isolated areas. These blemishes grow if not discovered and dealt with, and, like cavities, make themselves impossible to ignore over time. They can cause the premature demise of the entire roofing system.
Weakening seams on Tar and Gravel roofs can be strengthened to last longer than the rest of the roof by removing the protective gravel, cleaning, and applying modified bitumen in a professional manner. It is also important to check for and ensure proper drainage, as well as addressing leaks immediately.
ROTban – Cleaning Treatment That Lasts
Moss removal from tar and gravel roofs and de-mossing Torch On roofs is done with a two-step roof cleaning system.
Before (left) and after (right) gravel roof cleaning
The first step is done by hand with plastic rakes, plastic snow shovels and leaf blowers. It’s placed in heavy duty bags and recycled. Then the roof is treated with ROTban – Cleaning Treatment That Lasts – which adheres to the surface and activates during moist conditions.