Building Cleaning
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Before Cleaning in 2012 vs. After Cleaning, and Still Clean in 2016
Ultra Building Cleaning
The old ways haven’t been working. The Building Cleaning REVolution is here! Imagine a team cleaning the exterior of your beautiful, but dirty looking structure like this. The truck comes in. The workers gently spray ROTban QUIClean on a large exterior area. 20 minutes after the application, they are flushing a gentle spray of water over the area. The dirt comes pouring off. The area dries, leaving that area resiliently clean! Imagine, if you can, this lasting two to three years before noticeable stains begin moving in again. That’s the ROTban REVolution. Soft spray on, Soft Rinse off, Lasts for years.
Less noise, less disruption, no problems with high pressure water getting where it shouldn’t go, or chipping away at your building. Economical, because it lasts.
Millions of Raindrops Will Work for Free And Save You Money!

This building was cleaned by simply applying ROTban™ and letting raindrops to the cleaning over time.
Have you ever considered how much cleaning goes on during a simple rainfall? A 500 square foot area of exterior wall will receive about 30 million raindrops per month, on average, in the Greater Vancouver, BC area. Let’s give good old rain some credit – with expert planning, it can help keep your exterior areas clean!
Let’s look at any 500 square foot section of building exterior wall you want to have cleaned. It’s being bathed at a rate of 30 million raindrops per month. Still it gets dirty, and mostly, stained with algae. The only reason it has the algae and stains, is because it doesn’t have ROTban pre-applied.
Algae needs warmth, moisture, shade and food in order to grow. This is common knowledge. There’s one more vital component involved, and that is, feeding and digestion. Moss, mold and algae all use the same tactic, as do fungus and lichen. They excrete an acid, then draw it back into themselves again, along with any impurities they find. Those impurities are their food. Cancel out the acid, and you really have something. Clean walls. Keep that condition going for a long time, and you have long lasting, self-cleaning walls!
So, we pre-soak the wall with an alkali that bonds in place. Any moisture activates the alkali at the same time as the algae is trying to feed. The feeding is neutralized. The simple plant life will lose its grip and be washed off in the rain. ROTban™ achieves this by bonding to exterior surfaces for years, and continuing to treat the areas on which it is professionally applied.
So, by pre-soaking an exterior area of, let’s say, 500 square feet, then allowing 30 million raindrops per month to fall on it over the next six months, all the stain-creating growths will be well sterilized with the help of those hard-working raindrops, and your building will look great! Further, for another 18 months, (bringing another 540 million raindrops), the cleaning action will continue, because of the wonderful staying power of the ROTban pre-soak!
Results – a small exterior wall is cleaned with one professional application, taking 10 minutes. Active cleaning will continue for at least two years.
There is no foaming agent in ROTban, and the proprietary alkali solution neutralizes quickly in our acidic environment. There are less resources used, and less pollutants created.
So why pay workers with pressure washers or soapy brushes to get an area clean, and maybe cause problems, only to have stains again in a few months? Instead, get millions of raindrops working for free!
That’s environmentally friendly economy! Contact ROTban Corp for a free measurement and quote in your inbox.
We service the entire lower mainland:
- Surrey
- Vancouver
- Mission
- Langley
- North Vancouver
- Abbotsford
- Delta
- West Vancouver
- Chilliwack
- New Westminster
- Maple Ridge
- Hope
- Burnaby
- Pitt Meadows